Course Correcting Your Career in 2022

Are you happy with your job? Are you happy with your life? The end of the year is a natural time to take stock of the past year and plan for the year ahead. This career planner is designed to guide you in taking a look back at 2021 and looking ahead to 2022. Most important, it will help you identify, define, and clarify your personal and professional goals.

This is not about setting New Year’s resolutions. It’s about goals. It’s about dreaming about what you want your life to be like and putting plans in place to make it happen. Resolutions seem to fade with time. By February, they are usually forgotten. Goals, if you articulate them, get stronger over time.

Goal setting is critical. Research shows when you write down your goals, you’re more likely to achieve them. Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at Dominican University in California, conducted a study on goal-setting with 267 participants. Her research found you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals just by writing them down.

Goals give you a destination so you can choose your path. Only when you know where you are going can you decide how to get there. Goals get you into action, keep you on track, and allow you to measure you progress.

But befoe you can set your future path, it helps to look at where you’ve been. The first step is an assessment.

You have very likely accomplished a lot in the past 12 months, even if some days it doesn’t feel like it. The exercises in this planner will help you assess your accomplishments-both professionally and personally. You don’t have to do every exercise, but the more of them you complete, the more you will get out of the process.

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