Zoomed out? How to disconnect and take a break!

by Karen Adamedes

I don’t know about you but I am all zoomed out. Teams-ed out and completely over any kind of video conferencing.

What a year it has been!

Don’t get me wrong, I am incredibly grateful to have been able to work through the year. And to have the technology that works (most of the time) to enable me to do so.

But now is the time to take a break. For many of us the festive season is a great opportunity to take some time off and not spend your days viewing the world through a screen.

My tip is if you can, take a break.

And to help you disconnect:

  1. Delegate to someone you trust – and then let them run with it (don’t be checking in on them)
  2. Put on an Out Of Office message – so that others know who to contact instead of you
  3. Enjoy your time off!

Taking time will help you recharge, reenergize and hopefully relax!


P.S. And in the spirit of obvious promotion – if you are looking for some holiday reading that does not involve a screen Professional in Pajamas paperback edition is available for a limited time for $15.00 with free shipping in Australia. 🙂 You can get your copy here (Signing and packing books will give me something to do that doesn’t involve a screen)

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